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TyreDetermines automatic tire wear for the GP to be run.

For a good strategy , as well as finding a good setup and locate the fuel needed to finish the GP is a key role in choosing the most suitable compound and based on which decide the number of Pit Stop to be made. After a careful analysis based on the study of more than 100 GP , he arrived to find a formula that is able to determine the wear of each compound on each circuit analyzing hazards , temperature , humidity and other factors. The calculation although in many cases turns out to be quite accurate , it may have a margin of error greater than + / - 5% , this mainly due to several factors which are not always easy to calculate , in the first instance if you are you can have a clear track wear different to us remains stuck in traffic and go slower , or those who commit too many mistakes in the race. For a good strategy usually you should do when the PIT Pneumatic is around 18% , below this value, the lap time rises significantly reaching even to more than 2 seconds behind the wheel spins with good


How to detect the life of your tires Select the Gp to be played. 
  • Enter the Minimum and Maximum Temperature 
  • Enter the minimum and maximum humidity 
  • Indicate the risk of a clear track 
  • Click Confirm and you'll have the data for each type of rubber. 
The data that you will get may differ from the actual data that you have, because this influence in the calculation of the characteristics of the pilot, as well as the level and wear parts. The advice is to do a test with a GP disputed, see how it differs from your real value added in subsequent calculations and the difference has been found. 
NOTE: 23/02/2013 updated calculation wear tires, the duration in km is to be understood purely for indicative purposes, the number of PIT is determined to fall before the wear is too low.
Click Check to determine the wear
GP (Gara)T °C MinT °C MaxU % MinU % MaxRischio

Tyre (ruote) Pipirelli ( % )N° Pit Avonn (*) Yokomama Dunnolop Contimental (*)Badyear (*)
Extra Soft0 Km ( XX % ) 000000
Soft0 Km ( XX % ) 000000
Medium0 Km ( XX % ) 000000
Hard0 Km ( XX % ) 000000
Rain0 Km ( XX % ) 000000

Parenthesis indicates the tire wear. Under the 15% efficiency of the tire loses coming to make you lose up to 2 seconds per lap. 
If the value in brackets is less than 10 Red and you could risk an additional Pit-Stop if the temperatures are high. 
In this case it is recommended to reduce the risk, make a pit-stop in more or choose a harder compound. 
The values ​​of the tires Yokomama Dunnolop and are indicative only. 
Note: The percentage of wear is visible only to registered users. Registration is Free.

(*) Values ​​theorists. Help us to update the database using the device's convenient 'Data Entry (New)'


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Utenti Registrati: 6717
Utenti Validati: 3487
Utenti Connessi Oggi: 70
Dati Inseriti: 23896
Validati questo Mese: 1
Last Validate: 2025-02-07 14:46:38

Update Piloti: 2025-02-11 22:15:06
Update DT: 2025-02-11 22:05:02
Log: 2078
Log New: 23829
Tempo caricamento Dati: 0.052378177642822 s


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